Church Pew Refinishing Bid/Estimate: What We Will Need.

Yes it would be nice if we could just toss out a church pew refinishing or restoration bid proposal estimate in a sentence or two. Who has time for details? But that wouldn't serve YOU well. Tossing out a number for fundraising without having just a bit of basic and easily gathered information could result in trouble down the road. What if, for instance, the pews aren't worthy of investment? You fund raise only to find out later you should have bought new pews. Or what about the project circumstances? Will the pews need to be removed from the site? Stored? Can the church save money by doing some of the work with volunteers?

Church Pew Refurbishing

Church Pew Refurbishing

So your assignment to get a pew refinishing bid is a bit more than you thought. It's OK. It's not really THAT much.

First, we need photos. Include a wide shot of the interior, an exterior shot (or website link) to see the period/era, a photo of the pew underside looking up toward the end (to see how it is constructed) and general pew shots of ends and any particular damage that is typical. 

Then we need numbers. How many pews how long? We need to calculate the total number of lineal feet as "per lineal foot" cost is the format for our bid.

Finally, it's helpful if you can briefly describe the project circumstances. Is the project imminent? Or are you just needing a bid for fundraising? What is the full scope? Will the pews need to be removed during the work? Or is this just floors/carpet and pews only? If the budget is tight- does the church have a crew of volunteers that can do general on-site labor (removing hymnals/bookracks/kneelers, taking the pews up from the floor, loading to the trucks for shipping and vice versa upon return)? Or would you prefer that WE include all? 

Having this info gathered and ready will help us move along your quest for a credible bid estimate proposal quickly.

Questions? Email us at:

It's also OK to call me right now. Good luck on your project!

Scott Beddome

262-527-8969 cell